Monday, August 27, 2012

Details of a postponed Architectural Pilgrimage (Part 1)

When I was studying in Rome in 1996, I took an overnight train to Paris for a three day trip to visit the holy grail of Modern Architecture ...the Villa Savoye by LeCorbusier.  The house, built between 1928-1929, had suffered through decades of neglect and unfortunately, on my arrival to the front gate of the property, I was confronted with a "CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS" sign!!! It would not be until 18 years later that I could fulfill the purpose of the visit.  So, with this and future posts on this theme, I'd like to share details of that visit that are not often, if ever, shown on Architectural publications of his work.  There will also be a couple of detours to other modern buildings of more recent construction such as Philippe Starck's Kong restaurant and L'Institut du Monde Arabe.  Of particular interest to me was the dimensions and proportions of certain spaces and building elements as well as their technical construction.



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